Mountain Night Life
by Pamela Murphy
I still laugh when
I hear mountain
night life. I guess
I shouldn't because
that is the one
complaint you hear
from city folk who
settle here. "There's
nothin' to doOOoo".
Truth is there is
a lot to do. You
just have to appreciate
the small things.
You'd do well to
teach your kids
that. Turn off the
propaganda tube
for a while.
Catchin' Lightenin'
Find a jar in
the garbage and
wash it out. Take
the lid off of
the jar and poke
holes in it with
a hammer and a
nail. Tell the
young ones not
to touch the underside
because it can
be sharp. If they
do, it'll probably
be the last time.
If not, you may
have a bigger
problem there.
Moms I'd make
some fun snacks
ahead of time.
Make a memory
of it. Wait until
just dusk. You'll
see the lightenin'
bugs. Use the
lid to scoop them
into the jar.
Sit around; laugh,
tell stories or
whatever you want.
Let the little
buggers go before
you go back in
the house.
Get a can from
the garbage and
put some dirt
in it. Some one
told me to sprinkle
salt on the ground
during the day
or the night before.
The night you
choose to do this
on should be a
little warm. The
night after a
rain is perfect.
Wait until dark.
You need a good
flashlight. Moms
or dads can man
the flashlight
or an older child
if you really
don't need that
flashlight. Shine
the light around
a little bit.
You'll see a little
bit of slime on
the ground or
a quick movement.
They like to pop
in as soon as
the light hits
them. The best
huntin' is at
the edge of the
flashlight beam.
The object of
this night activity
is to grab the
worm before it
can pop back into
the hole. Oh yea,
they look like
big fishing worms.
IF there are any
markings on them
or if they hiss,
I'd let 'em be.
Now go back in
and pry the kids
from the TV or
video game. Have
them dress in
old clothes. The
youngsters will
love grabbing
for the worms.
Instruct them
not to pull too
hard on the nightcrawlers
or they will tear
them in half.
A little squeeze
will cause some
of them to release
their grip on
the ground. Moms
and dads if you
think this is
gross, let the
kids be kids and
keep your oooos
to yourself. Actually
they will enjoy
getting muddy
and slimy. It's
a kid thing. If
you are going
to do the next
night activity,
put some more
dirt on the worms
and keep them
in the fridge
until the next
Night Fishin'
This is a fun
family activity.
Pack a cooler,
some sweat shirts,
lawn chairs and
some blankets.
Don't forget the
toilet paper.
(If you don't
know what that
is for, you'll
find out. Mom,
I have to poop)
Scout out a good
spot ahead of
time. You'll find
a good spot by
looking at the
shore lines of
streams or lakes
for where fires
have been built
or sticks in the
shape of "y's"
are stuck in the
ground. Dads you
can go to the
local snack bar
when the old timers
are there and
ask them about
it. They will
be very happy
and flattered
to share their
stories and suggestions.
Moms you can go
ask too, but you'll
get laughed at
first before they
tell you all of
their fishin'
secrets. Word
of caution. Moms
beware of the
young old fart's
who want to go
show you their
spot ahead of
time. Wink, wink.
Pack a cooler
with some fun
food and drinks.
Roast marshmallows
or hot dogs over
the fire. Have
fun with the kids.
Fishin' sometimes
isn't the most
important part
of this nighttime
Coon Huntin'
I don't know
a whole lot about
this, but I'll
tell you what
I know. First
of all you need
good coon dogs.
You want them
to tree coons
not catch skunks.
You'll want a
pick up with the
cages built into
the back. I bet
you wondered what
they were for.
Or you can use
the car, but I
have to warn you
hounds stink.
Especially ones
who have been
out running in
a huntin' frenzy,
slobber flailing
all over. (OK,
who's sounding
like a girl?)
The object of
this activity
is for the dog
to tree a coon.
Oh yea, you'll
need a flashlight
to see the shining
eyes to take aim.
You want to make
sure you are shooting
a coon and not
someone's petrified
housecat. A clean
shot where it
won't hurt the
pelt is best.
Coon pelts don't
pay much. Also,
make sure your
dog is immunized
against rabies
and you wear gloves
so that no part
of that coon's
blood or saliva
can get on you.
I'd say a plastic
bag is a good
thing to have.
That is the extent
of my knowledge
on this subject.
I think some people
use a case of
beer for something,
but I'm not sure.
*Editor's Note
- Make dang shur
them dawgs is
kept caged at
the ol homested
to. Once they
git a wiff of
rabbit or a hankerin
fur chasin em,
they ain't gonna
be wurth squat
fur coon huntin!
Deer Spottin'
The first thing
you need to know
is there are times
of the year when
you aren't allowed
to spot deer.
During deer season
is one of them
especially if
you have a rifle
in the car. That's
cheatin'. This
can be a fun activity
for the whole
family and useful
for those who
want to find out
where the big
bucks are before
huntin' season.
A couple weeks
before deer season
is a good time.
You need a good
vehicle with lots
of gas, with a
cigarette lighter
and you'll need
a spot light.
A big flashlight
doesn't work.
Scout out some
good fields before
hand. The old
guys at the snack
bar can help with
this too. (Moms
"come on
I'll show you
my huntin' spot"
is a mountain
pick up line)
Now take the 44
out from under
your seat because
if the "bunny
police" stop
you, they'll take
it. Ok you should
be ready to load
up the car with
some blankets
and snacks and
the kids. Just
drive slow along
the road shining
the spot light
in the pre-selected
fields. You won't
be alone. There
will be a lot
of people out
doing it. Spottin'
someone's house,
wife or teenaged
daughter is considered
bad mountain etiquette.
State parks are
a great place
to spot if you
just want to show
the kids some
deer. Oh by the
way, make sure
you turn the spot
light off before
you lay it on
the seat. You'll
have a burn spot
on the seat before
you wonder what
that funny smell