From the Kitchen of Pamela Murphy
1 hog head with tongue
1 hog heart
1 hog liver
buckwheat flour
salt & pepper
Separate one hog’s head into halves (Whoever butchers your hog will do this for you). Remove and give the eyes and brains to the cats. Removing the eyes takes a real sharp knife. Scrape and thoroughly clean the head. Put into a large heavy kettle and cover with 4 to 5 quarts of cold water. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 hours, or until the meat falls from the bones. I like to add the tongue, heart and liver too. Skim grease from the surface; remove meat, chop fine or use a food grinder, and return to liquid in the kettle. Season with salt and pepper to taste and 1 teaspoon ground sage. Sift in buckwheat flour until the mixture is thickened to the consistency of soft mush. Cook over low heat for 1 hour stirring occasionally, as mixture scorches easily. When cooked, pour the ponhaws into greased loaf pans and cool. Cover and store in a cool place (I put mine in the freezer). To serve, cut into thin slices and fry in hot fat until crisp and browned. You can use corn meal instead of buckwheat flour and make scrapple.